Dark Angel Returns

Season 7 of Dexter begins in just a few short months and rumors, leaked photos and guest stars are now officially circulating the web.  Yvonne Strahovsky of Chuck fame has apparently joined the cast this season and we’ve learned that the premiere will pick up right where it left us at the close of season 6: with Deb discovering a little something about her adopted brother.

I freely admit that season 6 was my least favorite to date but it did end with a cliffhanger and its final couple of episodes offered the intensity and high-stakes emotion we’ve come to expect from Dexter.  I read somewhere that the creators of the show have announced they will end it after its 8th season and I can only imagine how they’ll wrap up this dark and twisted story.  And what is happening here?

  Ideas?  Share them in the comments.  For all my fellow Dexter-lovers, season 7 premieres Sunday, September 30th.
